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Hamas: Iran’s attack ended Israel’s era of hit-and-run

The photo shows Iranian missiles in the skies over the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas says Iran’s military response to Israel’s deadly April 1 strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus confirmed the end of the regime’s era of acting “without accountability or punishment.”

In a statement on Wednesday, Hamas said “the response from the Islamic Republic of Iran confirms that the time when the Zionist entity could act as it wanted without accountability or punishment has ended, and with it the illusions of betting on it.”

In the multi-pronged Operation True Promise on April 13, Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles at the occupied territories. The operation has inflicted damage on Israeli military bases across the occupied territories. The extent of damage is yet to be specified. 

The Israeli airstrikes on Iran’s embassy compound in Damascus killed two generals of the Quds Force of IRGC, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, as well as five of their accompanying officers.

“As we appreciate what the Islamic Republic has done, we at the same time deplore the biased Western position that came to protect the entity at a time when it has remained silent and continues to remain silent about the genocidal war to which our people are being subjected in Gaza, and the abuse to which our people in Al-Quds and the West Bank and our prisoners are subjected in the occupation prisons,” Hamas stated.

Israel has killed over 34,000 people, mostly women and children, in Gaza since early October. Figures also show more than 14,500 of Gaza’s 1.1 million children have been killed since.

Following Iran’s attack, Israel says it must retaliate to preserve the credibility of its deterrence. Iran has already warned Israel against taking any retaliatory actions and also urged the United States to keep away from involvement in the conflict and signaled that it viewed the matter as “concluded.”

In conclusion, Hamas once again called on “the Arab and Islamic nation, the resistance forces in the region, and the free people of the world to continue supporting our Palestinian people in the glorious battle of Al-Aqsa Flood to liberate their land and sanctities.”

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