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Several in Oregon test positive for COVID after receiving 2nd American vaccine dose

A photo illustration of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine. (Photo by Reuters)

At least four people in the US state of Oregon have contracted the coronavirus two weeks after receiving the second dose of the American vaccine.

The Oregon Health Authority said the re-infections are called “breakthrough cases|” and it means the fully vaccinated people contracted the virus at least 14 days after completing their vaccination series.

US Health experts warn that this could become more common with the variants that have emerged in the COVID-19 pandemic.

The state agency said some of those infected were experiencing mild symptoms and the others were asymptomatic.

It is unclear which of the two vaccines - Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna - was used to vaccinate the four re-infected Americans.

The Oregon Health Authority did not rule out that there might be more "breakthrough cases”, but added that vaccination may prevent those jabbed from falling seriously ill.

The state of Oregon has 150,034 confirmed cases and 2,137 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 177,000 people have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The state agency said it’s inevitable that some of those inoculated would become re-infected.

US health experts noted that many “breakthrough cases” were reported during the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination trials.

Reports said, last week, nearly 40 American recipients of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines in the US developed a rare immune disorder that attacks the blood. One patient died after receiving the vaccine.

The slain patient was a Miami doctor, who died in January of a brain hemorrhage after he received the vaccine.

He was one of at least 36 people in the US to have developed the condition after receiving either Pfizer’s or Moderna’s coronavirus vaccines.

The efficacy of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines have raised suspicious around the world, with many even in the US remaining hesitant to get the vaccine.

Reports of death after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine developed by US firm Pfizer and German BioNTech grabbed media attention in January after at least 33 people died in Norway after taking the first dose of the vaccine

However, major American and British media reached a consensus to downplay the deaths.

Norway expressed concern regarding the safety of the vaccines produced by American Pfizer Inc. on the senior citizens after the fatalities occurred.

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