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Two-thirds of Yemenis lack access to safe water: Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross in Yemen says the Saudi-led coalition’s aggression against the Arab country has deprived two-thirds of Yemenis of access to safe water and basic health services.

The International Committee of the Red Cross in Yemen says the Saudi-led coalition’s aggression against the Arab country has deprived two-thirds of Yemenis of access to potable water and basic health services.

“Two out of three Yemenis lack access to safe water and basic health services,” the Red Cross said in a post in its Twitter account.

“We provided 800,000 liters of fuel to the Local Corporation for Water and Sanitation and to Al-Thawra Hospital in Hudaydah, in addition to our regular support for the water and health sector around Yemen, but the need remains great,” it added.

Saudi Arabia and a number of its allies launched the war on Yemen in March 2015 to suppress an uprising that had toppled a Riyadh-friendly regime.

In late November, the United Nations (UN) offered the new staggering death toll of 233,000 from the Saudi-led war on Yemen, stressing the importance of a ceasefire.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released the toll in a report, calling it "unfortunate and unacceptable."

The international body said those counted had lost their lives either directly due to the conflict or for war-related reasons.

According to the report, Yemen is currently facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, and more than 80% of its inhabitants are in need of humanitarian assistance and support.

The war has taken a heavy toll on Yemen's infrastructure, destroying hospitals, schools, and factories.

The UN says over 24 million Yemenis are in dire need of humanitarian aid, including 10 million suffering from extreme levels of hunger.

Children are among the most vulnerable victims of the Saudi war on Yemen, but the issue has barely drawn any international response.

The UN children's agency warned in late June 2020 that the shortage of humanitarian assistance amid the coronavirus pandemic threatened to push more children in Yemen to the brink of starvation.

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