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Koch brothers believe Trump unstoppable now: Report

America’s Koch brothers believe money spent against Donald Trump would be wasted since all attacks on the real estate mogul have failed.

Charles and David Koch, two of the US Republican Party’s biggest donors, say they will not attempt to stop GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump from scoring the nomination, because he seems unstoppable now.

 “We have no plans to get involved in the primary,” said James Davis, a spokesman for Freedom Partners, the Koch brothers’ political network, Reuters reported Wednesday.

The report said that the Koch brothers believe money spent against Trump would be wasted since all previous attacks on the New York billionaire have failed. 

The brothers have also reportedly soured somewhat on spending big on presidential elections, having bankrolled failed 2012 Republican candidates Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

The Koch brothers wield significant financial and political influence on US politics, both directly and indirectly, via various advocacy and lobbying organizations.

The brothers are the sons of Fred C. Koch, who founded Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the United States.

The brothers have contributed heavily to conservative campaigns and think tanks. They are among the best-known Republican donors, and potential GOP candidates court their favor.

But the brothers are throwing their massive wealth and sophisticated organization into the Republican presidential primary for the first time. The Kochs have resisted jumping into presidential campaigns in the past because they had doubts in the value of the investment.

David Koch (L) and his brother Charles

The Kochs spent some $400 million on US politics in 2015 and are planning to cash out about $900 million to shape this year’s presidential election.

Trump, who has never held elected office, is leading the Republican presidential primary field, despite the fact that his campaign has been marked by controversial statements, including with disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants and Muslims.

Trump has won the states of South Carolina, Nevada, and New Hampshire, while finishing second in Iowa.

On Super Tuesday, the former reality TV star made a further step toward a nominee for the November presidential election by winning in seven states.

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