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Assured by Paris, Ukraine says potential fall in US support not a concern

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba (AFP)

Ukraine’s foreign minister says a potential dwindling support from the US in the war is not a matter of concern.

Dmytro Kuleba made that remark after he was reassured by his French counterpart about support from Paris.

Kuleba told his Catherine Colonna in Paris on Tuesday that “some people” in the United States and Europe hold that “we should support Ukraine less.”

"We are not feeling any fall in support from the (US) Congress, in the European parliament.”

“In the United States it's linked to the start of the electoral cycle," he said. Kiev would "overcome it," he said. "We will find a way through."

The French foreign minister said Paris “will continue and intensify as long as needed to defeat the Russian aggression.”

President Emmanuel Macron has said France’s “support to Ukraine is constant.”

In the United States, however, reports are casting doubt on whether US support for Ukraine can be sustained.

The administration of President Joe Biden has supplied more than $43 billion worth of arms to Ukraine since Russia launched its “special military operation” in Ukraine in February 2022.

According to a poll conducted for CNN and released early this month, more than half of Americans were against additional US support for Ukraine.

A recent report by the Wall Street Journal also said Washington would probably reduce its military support for Ukraine in 2024.

The military support has also divided the nine leading Republican contenders for the top US job.

During the Republican discussion on Thursday, presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy said he would not support additional aid to Ukraine in its fight against Russia.

He described Washington’s support for Ukraine “disastrous” and a distraction from domestic issues.

Russia says the West and NATO are playing a direct role in the Ukraine conflict by pouring advanced weapons and military equipment into Ukraine.

It has frequently warned that continued supply of Western arms and military equipment to the Ukrainian military would only prolong the war and add to the suffering of Ukrainian people.

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