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Resistance has response in store to potential Israeli assassination of its leaders: Islamic Jihad

Walid al-Qatati, member of the Gaza Strip-based Palestinian resistance group of the Islamic Jihad's Political Bureau

The Palestinian resistance movement of the Islamic Jihad says it has coordinated a response together with its fellow Lebanese resistance movement of Hezbollah to the Israeli regime's potential assassination of the resistance's leaders. 

"There exists an agreement between us and Hezbollah over [joint delivering of] a response to the occupying Israeli regime's potential assassination of one of the resistance's leaders," said Walid al-Qatati, a member of the Gaza Strip-based resistance group's Political Bureau.

According to al-Qatati, Hezbollah's Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has, himself, acknowledged the existence of the coordination.

"The resistance has a number of options at hand towards responding to potential assassinations, and stays united in the face of the occupying regime," the Palestinian official noted.

"The Zionists are bloodthirsty and are inclined towards exacting revenge from the resistance," he remarked.

Since 1967, when the Israeli regime occupied Palestinian and nearby lands, a "clear and definite victory" has constantly evaded the regime, the Islamic Jihad official said and added that the regime had also been suffering defeat in its operations in Lebanon and Gaza over the past years.

The Israeli military is faltering from within, and has, therefore, demanded the regime's army to start resorting to assassinations, al-Qatati stated.

He, however, did not put it past the regime to try realizing its threats, saying the Islamic Jihad takes these threats seriously.

"The enemies threats do not scare us, and cause us to change our policy of resistance," al-Qatati pointed out, concluding, "We are prepared to control the occupying regime's policy of assassination."

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