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Israel insists on escalating measures against prisoners

Mona Kandil
Press TV, Ramallah 

For the last few days, the situation inside Israeli jails has been intolerable for thousands of Palestinian prisoners.

The regime’s prisons administration continues its violations against Palestinian inmates starting with large-scale transfers of prisoners, storming inmates’ cells and confiscating their belongings. Palestinians say it is a strategy to weaken and destabilize resistance within the prisons in a bid to further stifle the Captive movement, that follows prisoners issues behind bars.

Far-right Israeli minister Itamar Bin Gavir has ordered the closure of bakeries inside the Rimon and Ketziot jails. These bakeries are run by prisoners themselves to provide bread to their fellow inmates in other jails.

A large-scale campaign of aggression has been carried out by the Prisons’ administration against Palestinian prisoners, particularly the female prisoners. A number of them had been assaulted by Israeli soldiers who broke into their cells. They had also prohibited family visits.

Talks have been held between prisoners and the Israel Prison Service; however, the prison service rejected the inmates’ key demands, thus it’s expected that the prisoners will even escalate their protest measures within the coming days.

Palestinian prisoners have been trying to resist the crackdown through all possible means including going on hunger strikes and remaining in their cells, a move seen by the prisons’ administration as disobeying the orders and challenging the soldiers.

According to the commission of prisoners’ affairs, today, 4,700 prisoners are languishing in Israeli jails, including 29 women and 150 children. Eight hundred and fifty are held under administrative detention without charge or trial.

Palestinian prisoners are routinely subject to systematic torture by the Israeli regime. This is while all they did was to dare stand up against the occupation of their homeland.

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