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Iran FM: Removal of all illegal sanctions, Tehran's main goal in Vienna talks

Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (file photo)

Iran’s foreign minister says the main goal pursued by Iran during the forthcoming talks with the remaining parties to the landmark nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers is to secure removal of all illegal sanctions imposed on the country.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks in a Thursday phone call with his Polish counterpart, Zbigniew Rau, during which the two sides discussed bilateral relations as well as regional and international developments.

During the phone call, Iran’s top diplomat stressed that the main goal pursued by Tehran through participation of the forthcoming talks in the Austrian capital, Vienna, is removal of all illegal sanctions imposed on Iran by the United States after the latter withdrew from the nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in 2018.

“All participants [in Vienna talks] have reached the common understanding that the United States is the main party to blame and is responsible for the current state [of negotiations],” Amir-Abdollahian added.

After withdrawal from the JCPOA, former US President Donald Trump launched a “maximum pressure” campaign against the Islamic Republic, which he said was aimed to compel Iran into negotiating a new deal.

Having failed to reach its goal, the US, under President Joe Biden, has expressed willingness to rejoin the nuclear pact and rescind Trump’s anti-Iran policy. His administration has, however, taken no concrete measure to that goal. 

Iran has repeatedly said that its participation in the Vienna talks is aimed to have all US sanctions removed, declaring that it would reciprocate a verifiable removal of the sanctions by resuming its nuclear obligations under the accord.

In the latest development surrounding the issue, Washington and its Persian Gulf Arab allies — Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates — on Wednesday “welcomed” the upcoming seventh round of Vienna talks and even called for “an urgent mutual return to full compliance with the JCPOA,” despite the fact that Saudi Arabia and the UAE – in addition to Israel – had cheered Trump’s withdrawal from the deal and his “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran.

During the Thursday phone call, Amir-Abdollahian also thanked Poland for donating one million doses of coronavirus vaccine to Iran, saying the move was an example of humanitarian relations between the two countries.

He said despite the United States’ inhumane sanctions, Iran has covered more than four million Afghan refugees in its vaccination drive, stressing that his country welcomes any initiative by other countries, especially Poland, to help the Afghan people, including the refugees who are not in good conditions these days.

Pointing to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, Amir-Abdollahian underlined that Iran supports the establishment of peace in the Arab country, saying the Yemeni crisis has no military solution.

The siege of Yemen must be lifted and the war must be ended, he stressed, making a reference to the Saudi-led military campaign and blockade of Yemen, which has been underway since 2015.

The Polish foreign minister, for his part, voiced his country’s determination to further enhance the Tehran-Warsaw relations.

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