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Hospitals in EU struggling to cope with rising numbers of COVID-19 patients

Jerome Hughes
Press TV, Brussels

The European Commission says COVID-19 cases are on the rise in almost all of the EU's 27 member states. High hospital admission numbers are putting health systems under pressure.

Saint-Pierre has always been one of the busiest hospitals in Brussels but now it is busier than ever. In the 24 hours up to Wednesday, more than 12,000 new cases of coronavirus were recorded in Belgium and 41 deaths. Even at the doors of Saint-Pierre, it's easy to find people who are vaccine hesitant.

COVID-19 cases and deaths are surging across the EU. In Italy, workers cannot physically attend their jobs without a COVID pass. Experts suggest the country is doing better than neighbors because more children there have received the jab. In Austria, the unvaccinated have effectively been put into lockdown. Most venues in the Netherlands must close by 8 p.m. Hospitals in Ireland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Romania are struggling to cope.

A fifth wave of the virus is hitting France, Germany, and Belgium. Health experts say there is still a lot about the crisis that is not understood.

For example, it is not known why the vaccines do not work on 10% of people who take them. It is not clearly known for how long the vaccines remain effective. What is known, however, is that people who are vaccinated are far less likely to end up in hospital.

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