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Iran stages military parades on national army day

Yusef Jalali
Press TV, Tehran

Iran marks the National Army Day with military parades by different units of the force. Commanders of the army’s air force, navy and ground force as well as senior commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps were present to oversee the event.

Ahead of the ceremonies, a message from Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei was read out, where he praised the contributions the army has made to the security of the country. Army officials say serving the Iranian people is their top priority.

The parades featured the latest military achievements and weaponry of the Iranian army, including radars, tanks, armored vehicles and fighter jets. The highlight was the latest drones, missiles and missile systems, developed and manufactured inside the country, including Sayyad and Mersad missiles systems.

The Islamic Republic provides for 80-percent of its defensive needs domestically. Officials say the country owes this to four decades of arms embargoes imposed on the country by the US and its allies.

The national army day was designated in 1979 following a historic speech by the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini. Back then, he thanked the army for its role in the victory of the Islamic Revolution by announcing its neutrality as the former Pahlavi regime pushed commanders to suppress the revolution.

Every year, this massive parade relays strong messages of security to Iranians and the region. But on top of all the messages, the annual occasion is interpreted as the army's show of renewed support for the Islamic establishment, where officials say with or without sanctions, the Iranian armed forces continues to defend the country's sovereignty.

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