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Turkey extends research vessel mission in eastern Mediterranean again

The Turkish seismic research vessel Oruc Reis is escorted by Turkish naval ships in the Mediterranean Sea off Antalya, Turkey, on August 10, 2020. (Photo by AFP)

Turkey has decided to extend once again the work of its seismic research vessel in disputed waters in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, despite warnings from Greece that such move is at odds with international efforts to ease tensions between the two sides.  

The Turkish navy said in a NAVTEX maritime announcement on Sunday that the Oruc Reis seismic research vessel and warships escorting it would remain in the contested waters until Nov. 14.

It had previously said the ship would remain in the area until November 4.

The latest development comes as the two sides are in search of survivors of a powerful earthquake that struck Turkey’s Aegean coast and north of the Greek island of Samos on Friday, killing at least 51 people.

Greece Foreign Ministry immediately condemned Turkey’s “illegal conduct”, demanding that Ankara withdraws the ship from the disputed areas.

"This (Turkish) action only increases tensions in a vulnerable region where attention is currently focused on aid and support and solidarity (after the earthquake)," the ministry said.

It further noted that Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias will inform the country's allies and partners of the latest developments.

Turkey and Greece, both of them NATO members, have been at loggerheads over oil and gas exploration rights in the eastern Mediterranean.

Back in August, Turkey dispatched the seismic research vessel Oruc Reis, accompanied by naval vessels, off the Greek island of Kastellorizo, where Turkey disputes Greek maritime rights. Greece responded by sending its own military vessels to monitor the situation.

Turkey ended the mission of Oruc Reis and ordered it back to shore for maintenance in mid-September. Ankara said the move was also meant to give diplomacy a chance.

But no diplomatic breakthrough took place, and Turkey sent the ship back on October 14, reigniting the tensions.

The European Union (EU), which fully backs Greece, has threatened Turkey with sanctions if Ankara continues with its exploration in the disputed waters.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expressed dismay at the “unconstructive” threat, saying that the bloc has “succumbed to pressure and blackmail” from Greece.

Greece says Turkey is violating international law by prospecting for energy in “Greek waters,” including near the island of Kastellorizo.

Turkey, for its part, says that it is within its rights in the waters, insisting that the small island of Kastellorizo should not be reason for the imposition of Greek sovereignty on nearby waters.

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