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Protesters in Vienna condemn Israel annexation plan

Homa Lezgee
Press TV, Vienna 

Pro-Palestinian groups in Vienna are asking the Austrian government to take action against Israeli plans to annex occupied territory in the West Bank. 

Israel’s annexation plan, part of a US-sponsored proposal, has drawn widespread condemnation from human rights organizations and governments around the world.

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg says the country’s position is clear: that unilateral expansion of territory is against international law and numerous UN Security Council resolutions. But that stated position stands in stark contrast to the action that Austria actually took in blocking an EU resolution against Israel’s annexation plan.

Campaigners say the seemingly contradictory approach has not surprised them. 

The Austrian parliament recently voted to ban official funding for the local branch of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, known as BDS which campaigns against Israeli apartheid. Campaigners say they will continue attempts to inform public opinion and to pressure the government to take action. 

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