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Brazil, Pakistan, Greece, Norway report first coronavirus cases

A map of world countries affected by coronavirus based on WHO statistics until Feb. 26, 2020 (Via Independent)

Brazil, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Greece, and Pakistan are some of the countries that have confirmed their first novel coronavirus cases, as the COVID-2019 infects more and more people across the world, outside of its epicenter China.

The new coronavirus has spread to countries across Europe with Germany, Spain, Austria, Switzerland and Croatia all reporting their first cases after hundreds of people caught the disease in Italy and 11 were killed.

The World Health Organization announced on Wednesday there are now more new daily cases of the coronavirus outside China than inside the hard-hit country.

The WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebre-yesus, said the number of cases in China on Tuesday was 411 while those registered outside the country stood at 427.

His warning comes as Italy has reported 374 cases with twelve deaths. One new case has been confirmed in the US. Kuwait says the number of people diagnosed with the coronavirus in the country has risen to 25. Japan has also raised the number of people infected with the disease to three. Iran has also reported 139 confirmed cases, 19 of whom have died so far.

Several states including Germany, Georgia, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Croatia, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Norway, Romania, and Brazil have also reported their first cases. Brazil is the first Latin American country that has reported the infection. 

Sao Paulo's stock exchange plummeted seven percent Wednesday over fears of the coronavirus after a local resident became the first such case recorded in Latin America.

According to Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta, the 61-year-old patient returned on February 21 from the Lombardy region of Italy, the epicenter of an outbreak in the European country.

Norway's Public Health Agency also confirmed its first case, saying that one person had tested positive for coronavirus and was being kept isolated at home.

The person had returned from China late last week, but did not appear ill and was unlikely to infect others, the agency said.

The disease has infected about 80,000 people and killed more than 2,700, the vast majority in China.

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