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US supports Turkey's incursion into Syria: Analyst

Stephen Lendman

The United States is really supporting the Turkish incursion into northern Syria by refusing to take any policy action against, according to an American writer and political commentator.

The US threatened Turkey with sanctions and defensive action over its attacks on Syrian territory which Ankara says is required to purge the area of US-backed Kurdish militants, which Turkey views as terrorists linked to local autonomy-seeking militants of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Stephen Lendman told Press TV in a phone interview on Saturday that the reasons given by Ankara were fabricated and they have nothing to do with Turkey's real aims.

He said Turkey's real intention is that it wants to seize and gain control over the oil and gas producing areas in northern Syria and Iraq.

Lendman reasoned that the US and Russia approved Turkey’s move in Syria and Iraq despite whatever they may announce in public.

“The proof of the pudding is in the actual policies. The Security Council met yesterday in a closed-door session -- both the US and Russia vetoed a security Council resolution that condemned Turkey’s aggression in Syria – vetoed it! That shows where the US and Russia stand on this issue.”

Lendman said that these countries may not overtly say that they support this kind of thing, but they really are supporting it by refusing to condemn it. "That’s what it comes down to."

"The policy actions, not the public statements, that’s the only thing that matters," according to the Chicago-based commentator. 

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