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US-led summit in Bahrain on Palestine treacherous event: Houthi

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, addresses his supporters via a televised speech broadcast live from the Yemeni capital Sana’a on June 27, 2019.

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has described the recent US-led conference in Bahrain in support of President Donald Trump’s controversial proposal for “peace” between the Israeli regime and Palestinians as a treacherous event.

Addressing his supporters via a televised speech broadcast live from the Yemeni capital Sana’a on Thursday evening, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said the two-day economic workshop was an act of high treason against the Palestinian cause, emphasizing that the Yemeni nation fervently supports Palestinians and their struggle for freedom and statehood.

The so-called "Peace to Prosperity" workshop opened in the Bahraini capital Manama on June 25 and ran through June 26.

The Palestinian leadership boycotted the meeting, leading critics to question the credibility of the event.

Houthi then called on Yemenis from all walks of life to preserve unity, censuring those who are serving the interests of the US administration and the Tel Aviv regime at the expense of harming and trampling on the rights of innocent people.

He also cautioned the Yemeni nation against the enemies’ plots to wrest their control over the Arab country, urging them to prevent foes from implementing their schemes.

“Enemies are trying to open up rifts among the Yemeni people. They are seeking to cover up their treason against the nation. Enemies are making use of all available means in order to serve the interests of the Israeli regime. The Yemeni nation avidly seeks freedom. They should put up stiff resistance against enemies,” the Ansarullah chief pointed out.

He concluded that the United States is milking certain Arab countries and exploiting tensions in the Middle East to bolster its regional clout.

Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies launched a devastating campaign against Yemen in March 2015, with the goal of bringing the government of former Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi back to power and crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement.

The US-based Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), a nonprofit conflict-research organization, estimates that the Saudi-led war has claimed the lives of over 60,000 Yemenis since January 2016.

The war has also taken a heavy toll on the country’s infrastructure, destroying hospitals, schools, and factories. The UN says over 24 million Yemenis are in dire need of humanitarian aid, including 10 million suffering from extreme levels of hunger.

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