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Iran's security chief: US-hatched ‘deal of century’ will be failure

Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC)

Iran’s security chief says a US-devised plan targeting the Palestinian nation, dubbed “the deal of the century,” will definitely end in failure.

“The deal of century will be defeated at the hands of the resisting people of Palestine,” Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), told a conference held in the Gaza Strip under the title of “No to Deal of Century” on Thursday.

The United States has kept the plan, which it says is aimed at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, under wraps. Leaked information, however, indicate that it features serious violations of the Palestinian’s age-old demands.

Shamkhani said the plan aims at “complete elimination of Palestine,” speaking via video link at the event, which was held in Gaza City in the coastal enclave with senior leaders of Palestinian resistance groups in attendance.

Using the scheme, Washington is trying to abuse the “ignorance, laxity, and the treacherous nature” of some of its vassal states to “permanently do away with the issues of the Palestinian refugees’ return [to their homeland] and formation of an independent Palestinian state,” he added.

Also joining the conference were Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of Hamas resistance movement, Yahya Sinwar, the Palestinian resistance movement’s leader in Gaza, and Ziyad al-Nakhaleh, the leader of the Islamic Jihad resistance group.

The conference came in the run-up to International Quds Day.

The late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, gave the designation to the last Friday of the holy fasting month of Ramadan in honor of the Palestinian cause. Every year, the occasion witnesses million-strong pro-Palestinian rallies across the world by those who heed the call.

The day was so named, Shamkhani said, as a token of support for anti-Israeli resistance until the ultimate liberation of the entirety of the occupied Palestinian territories.

"Iran stands with all the nations that resist oppressors," Iran's security chief said, citing Imam Khomeini as saying, “As long as there is oppression in the world, there is struggle too. And as long as there is struggle, we stand up too.”

"In line with the viewpoint of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, we once again in the Islamic Republic insist on supporting the resistance, especially in the occupied Palestine, and will not cease this support despite all hardships, political pressures and economic sanctions, as the Islamic Republic considers supporting the resistance fighters a religious obligation," Shamkhani added.

The Iranian official then highlighted how the victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979 was followed by creation of resistance movements that defeated Israel in all their confrontations with the regime, liberating Gaza and southern Lebanon. He saluted the resistance fighters, who brought about the victories.

‘Resistance until end of occupation’

Further in the conference, the leader of Hamas Movement in the Gaza Strip, Yehya al-Sinwar, said the US-devised "deal of the century" will not go ahead.

He also asserted that the Palestinian resistance front will not abandon the Palestinian cause, including liberation of all Israel-occupied territories, most notably the holy city of Jerusalem al-Quds.

“We will not sell al-Quds …We believe liberation of al-Quds will come soon,” he noted.

The Hamas leader urged all Muslims to participate in International Quds Day rallies on Friday, and thanked the Islamic Republic for its support for Palestinians in the face of Israeli aggression.

The resistance outfits, Sinwar said, are undaunted by Israeli threats and military equipment, noting how Palestinians had managed to develop missiles domestically.

‘Tel Aviv in cross-hairs if Gaza hit’

Leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ziyad Al-Nakhaleh, also addressed the conference, warning the Israeli regime against resorting to renewed military aggression against the enclave.

He said the resistance will be targeting Tel Aviv if the regime attacks the Gaza Strip, adding, “We will target Israel with more missiles if a new war erupts.”

“In every battle, we will impose a new equation on enemy,” Nakhaleh stated.

He asserted Palestinians’ rejection of all US plots targeting the Palestinian cause, adding that Palestinians are all united in the cause of thwarting American conspiracies.

Leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad also welcomed the stance of Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, against “the deal of the century,” and denounced an upcoming US-sponsored event in Bahrain aimed at promoting the economic aspects of the plot.‎

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