‘There should be no doubt’ that UK will leave EU: Brexit minister

UK Brexit Minister David Davis

UK Brexit Minister David Davis says that Britain will definitely leave the European Union amid turmoil in the country following the general election.

Davis, who heads to Brussels on Monday to open Brexit talks with the bloc, said that there would be no backtracking from Prime Minister Theresa May's plan.

"As I head to Brussels to open official talks to leave the EU, there should be no doubt — we are leaving the European Union, and delivering on that historic referendum result," Davis said in a statement on Sunday.

"Leaving gives us the opportunity to forge a bright new future for the UK — one where we are free to control our borders, pass our own laws and do what independent sovereign countries do."

His remarks came days after French President Emmanuel Macron said the UK can still change its mind and remain a member of the bloc.

“From a European point of view, as long as the negotiations are not over, there is still a possibility to change the course of events,” Macron said on Tuesday after talks with May.

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Davis, a prominent 'Leave' campaigner, said that the UK and the EU should strike a deal that allows both “to thrive,” adding, “We are not turning our backs on Europe”

He added that he was approaching the negotiations in a "constructive way", given the fact that they will be "difficult at points."

May (pictured below) has been under pressure over the consequences of leaving the EU, but she has repeatedly said that there would be no change in the process.

She called for an early election in mid-April to get a “stronger hand” in Brexit negotiations with the European Union (EU), but instead cost her party the overall majority in Parliament and she is desperately trying to reach an agreement with Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party to form a minority government.

Meanwhile, her government plans to have the next Parliament hold a two-year session to deal with the expected onslaught of Brexit-related legislation.

Normally, Parliament sits for one year, but officials said more time will be needed.

House of Common leader Andrea Leadsom said Saturday that Parliament will need "the maximum amount of time to scrutinize these bills" by holding a two-year session.

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