‘US consulate in Istanbul faced with imminent threat’

File photo of the US consulate in Istanbul

American officials warn of an imminent security threat to the US consulate in the western Turkish city of Istanbul.

US officials on Saturday urged people to avoid the area around the embassy.

Due to information about an imminent security threat against the US Consulate compound, the US Consulate General Istanbul advises all US citizens to avoid the US Consulate today,” Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) wrote on its website.

The OSAC also called on US citizens in Turkey “to maintain a high level of vigilance, be aware of local events, and take the appropriate steps to bolster your personal security.”

The Overseas Security Advisory Council is tasked with promoting security cooperation between American private sector interests worldwide and the US State Department.

Earlier this week, several people were injured in a blast during rush hour near an Istanbul subway station.

Turkey has been on high alert after more than 100 people were killed by two bombers in the capital, Ankara, in October.

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