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Afghanistan ceremony commemorates 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution

Abdullah Amirzada.
Press TV, Kabul 

A ceremony has been held in the Afghan capital Kabul to mark the 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, bringing together officials from Afghanistan’s Taliban ruling system as well as foreign diplomats representing various countries.

During the event, Shir Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the deputy foreign minister of Afghanistan's Taliban government, stressed that Iran’s 1979 revolution was an Islamic and popular movement. 

The Islamic Revolution of Iran also had an impact on other nations, especially those that had been oppressed, and inspired them to stand against tyranny.

Shortly after Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union. In those years, the Iranian revolution inspired people here to stand against the invaders.

Forty-four years after the Islamic Revolution of Iran, more and more countries commemorate the revolution and this spirit of standing against tyranny.

The Islamic Revolution of Iran was inspired people in Afghanistan to fight an invasion by the Soviet Union and eventually force it out of the country.

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