Alireza Ekhtiarzadeh started at Press TV in 2020, trying out for a newswriter position. He quickly moved to becoming a host, first through a 30-second segment on #Trending program, until eventually becoming the main host of that show.

He then started to host, research and write for Iran Tech program, being the tech-nerd he is. Later, he moved to live broadcast with the Sports desk, and has been juggling all of this on top of being a language tutor and a content creator.

Alireza Ekhtiarzadeh holds a B.A. in English Literature and an M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

When Alireza isn’t following tech news, playing an instrument or a video game, he is following up on Western sociocultural issues. He loves to debate and hopes to become a renowned analyst of Western culture.

Alireza Ekhtiarzadeh

Alireza Ekhtiarzadeh