Palestine6 months ago
Google fires more employees over anti-Israel protests
Google fires about 20 more employees over recent protests against a deal between the technology giant and Israel.
Google fires more employees over anti-Israel protests
Palestine6 months ago
Euro-Med seeks probe into role of tech firms in Israeli killing of Gaza civilians
The rights group says Israel uses a number of artificial intelligence-supported technological systems to illegally track Palestinians.
 Euro-Med seeks probe into role of tech firms in Israeli killing of Gaza civilians
Palestine6 months ago
Google fires 28 employees for protesting military deal with Israel
Google fired 28 employees on Wednesday involved in a protest against the cloud-computing contract with Israel.
Google fires 28 employees for protesting military deal with Israel
Palestine6 months ago
Google workers arrested after protesting company’s giant deal with Israel
Police have arrested nine Google employees at the tech giant’s offices in New York City and Sunnyvale, California, after staging an hours-long sit-in in protest against the company’s $1.2-billion Nimbus contract with the Israeli regime.
Google workers arrested after protesting company’s giant deal with Israel
Palestine6 months ago
Google workers revolt over $1.2 billion contract with Israel
A growing number of Google employees have called on the company to drop the $1.2 billion contract that provides Israel with cloud and machine learning services.
Google workers revolt over $1.2 billion contract with Israel
Palestine7 months ago
Google, Amazon workers protest; call on tech giants to cut Israel ties
Amid the Israeli genocide in Gaza, workers at Google and Amazon have stepped up pressure on their companies to cut ties with the regime, including the controversial Project Nimbus.
Google, Amazon workers protest; call on tech giants to cut Israel ties
Palestine7 months ago
Google fires employee over pro-Palestine protest
Google fires a pro-Palestine employee for protesting at an Israeli tech conference.
Google fires employee over pro-Palestine protest
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