Western media
Feature26 days ago
Exposed: How the corporate media in West is suborned by Zionist influence
The infiltration of Zionists in the Western media is a significant issue that manifestly helps to protect Zionist narratives from challenges on top of structural dominance.
Exposed: How the corporate media in West is suborned by Zionist influence
Iran Election Analysisone month ago
A foreigner’s take: Elections in Iran represent the true spirit of democracy
Contrary to what Western media headlines say about elections in Iran, what I have witnessed is vibrancy of democratic processes and the true spirit of democracy.
A foreigner’s take: Elections in Iran represent the true spirit of democracy
Editor's Choiceone month ago
Ex-Press TV reporter at center of WaPo’s Grayzone smear campaign
The Washington Post reports that Grayzone journalist Wyatt Reed took funds from Iran, and the report is entirely based on testimonies of anti-Iran elements.
Ex-Press TV reporter at center of WaPo’s Grayzone smear campaign
Viewpoint2 months ago
BBC’s new fabrication on Nika Shakarami’s death part of propaganda war against Iran
Almost 18 months since the death of 17-year-old Iranian girl Nika Shakarami after falling from a building, BBC has made another desperate attempt to distort facts about it.
BBC’s new fabrication on Nika Shakarami’s death part of propaganda war against Iran
Palestine3 months ago
200 days of Israeli war on Gaza and 200 headlines whitewashing genocide
As Israel’s genocidal onslaught on Gaza completes 200 days, killing more than 34,000 Palestinians, the disinformation campaign unleashed by the Western media continues at a frightening pace.
200 days of Israeli war on Gaza and 200 headlines whitewashing genocide
Palestine3 months ago
New York Times leaked memo on Gaza coverage reveals obfuscation of facts
In a bid to whitewash Israeli war crimes in Gaza, New York Times has introduced new writing guidelines for its journalists, advising against using terms “genocide”, “ethnic cleansing” and “occupied territories.”
New York Times leaked memo on Gaza coverage reveals obfuscation of facts
Palestine4 months ago
UK media chiefs defend Gaza coverage as study finds pro-Israel bias
The study examined over 200,000 articles and TV reports. It said the British media had failed to represent the was in a fair manner.
UK media chiefs defend Gaza coverage as study finds pro-Israel bias
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