Interviews4 years ago
‘Mossad leading false flag operations in region’
Political Commentator Kevin Barrett says Israelis are the world leading experts on false flags.
‘Mossad leading false flag operations in region’
Politics4 years ago
Zarif: Mossad fabricating intel on Fujairah false flag
Iran's foreign minister says the Israeli spy agency is pushing forward the agenda of the hawkish B-Team by blaming Iran for Fujairah ship attacks.
Zarif: Mossad fabricating intel on Fujairah false flag
Interviews5 years ago
Bolton’s claim against Iran merely ‘psychological op’
A university professor believes US National Security Advisor John Bolton is resorting to psychological operation to put pressure on Iran.
Bolton’s claim against Iran merely ‘psychological op’
Politics5 years ago
Iran rejects Bolton's 'ridiculous' claims on UAE attacks
Iran strongly dismisses latest allegations by hawkish US National Security Adviser John Bolton, saying attacks on commercial vessels off the UAE coast were caused by Iranian naval mines.
Iran rejects Bolton's 'ridiculous' claims on UAE attacks
On The News Line5 years ago
Is Iran being framed to start a war?
Four commercial vessels including oil tankers have been attacked near al-Fujairah port in the United Arab Emirates.
Is Iran being framed to start a war?
Interviews5 years ago
Fujairah attack affecting Arab, Western markets: Analyst
An academic believes financial markets in the Persian Gulf and the West will suffer further following a mysterious attack off the Fujairah coast on Sunday.
Fujairah attack affecting Arab, Western markets: Analyst
Persian Gulf6 years ago
‘UAE ruler's son seeks asylum in neighboring Qatar’
The son of one of the rulers of the United Arab Emirates has reportedly sought asylum in Qatar.
‘UAE ruler's son seeks asylum in neighboring Qatar’
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