Gaza starvation
IN-DEPTH3 months ago
Seoul activists decry Israeli genocide in Gaza
Activists in Seoul condemn Israel's genocide in Gaza while accusing South Korea of contributing to the violence through the continued sales of arms to Tel Aviv.
Seoul activists decry Israeli genocide in Gaza
IN-DEPTH4 months ago
US aid to Gaza amidst mass starvation a diversionary tactic
By offering aid to the Gaza Strip has the West finally woken up to the grim reality that there may be a massive loss of Palestinian lives, or is this a ploy to cover up their complicity in the ongoing genocide.
US aid to Gaza amidst mass starvation a diversionary tactic
Conversations4 months ago
Countries arming Israel complicit in Gaza genocide, starvation: UN rapporteur
Israel is intentionally starving people in Gaza and countries supplying arms to it are complicit in both genocide and starvation of Palestinians, says the UN special rapporteur on the right to food.
Countries arming Israel complicit in Gaza genocide, starvation: UN rapporteur
Palestine4 months ago
Ramadan in Gaza amid Israeli-US campaign of death, destruction, starvation
We cannot speak of justice, much less build a just society, while Gaza continues to suffer genocide and starvation. This must be the message this Ramadan.
Ramadan in Gaza amid Israeli-US campaign of death, destruction, starvation
Palestine4 months ago
Children in Gaza dying of malnutrition amid Israel’s chokehold on aid
Israeli regime's policy of deliberate starvation is killing children in the besieged Gaza Strip as parents are forced to feed their children animal fodder.
Children in Gaza dying of malnutrition amid Israel’s chokehold on aid
Spotlight4 months ago
Weaponizing Gaza starvation
This episode looks at how systematically Israel is ethnically cleansing Palestinians, even though there is a ceasefire agreement being discussed.
Weaponizing Gaza starvation
News Headlines4 months ago
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