Ramstein Air Base
Interviews8 years ago
‘Drone program creating more enemies of US’
An analyst says the US drone program is counterproductive and creates more enemies for the US.
‘Drone program creating more enemies of US’
Germany8 years ago
Germans in Ramstein slam US drone ops
Demonstrators outside an American air base in Germany’s Ramstein protest against US drone operations.
Germans in Ramstein slam US drone ops
Germany8 years ago
Germans protest against US drone attacks
Anti-war protesters in Germany slam the United States’ use of killer drones.
Germans protest against US drone attacks
Germany9 years ago
Court rejects Yemeni case on US drone
A court in Germany dismisses a Yemeni case that the European country should be blamed for hosting a US air base used for deadly drone attacks.
Court rejects Yemeni case on US drone
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