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French police kill knife-wielding runaway from psychiatric ward

French police secure an area in a tunnel at the La Defense business and financial district near Paris, France, on December 13, 2019, after officers shot dead a man. (Photo by Reuters)

Police officers shot dead a man who threatened them with a knife in the Paris business district of La Defense on Friday, police sources said.

A security man had alerted police to the presence of a man armed with a knife in La Defense Square.

The suspect rushed toward the three-men patrol that had gone to check the situation, wielding the knife and shouting "I am going to kill you," the sources said.

Seven shots were fired, with two shots hitting the man in the chest and in the thigh. The man, a 42-year-old Moroccan, had escaped from a psychiatric ward in June, a police source said.

No further details were immediately available.

In October, an IT worker at police headquarters in Paris killed four co-workers before a police officer shot him dead, an attack which is being investigated by France's anti-terrorism prosecutor.

(Source: Reuters)

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