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Russia’s defense chief wants doubling of missile output

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu chairs a meeting in Moscow In April. (Photo by AFP)

Russia says the output of its high-precision missiles needed to be doubled "as soon as possible," calling on defense enterprises to rapidly increase the "pace and volume of production,” despite the West's sanctions on the country.  

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday that weapons production and the supply of arms to the front line in Ukraine would be crucial to the success of the war in Ukraine, now in its 15th month. 

"The actions of Russian units conducting the special operation largely depend on the timely replenishment of stocks of weapons, military equipment and means of destruction," Shoigu said.

He said defense enterprises had been told to rapidly increase the "pace and volume of production.”

The defense minister also said that the Tactical Missile Corp, a maker of guided missile systems sanctioned by the US and the European Union, had been fulfilling its contracts in a timely manner.

Since the onset of the Russian military campaign in Ukraine, the US and its Western allies started imposing numerous rounds of sanctions against Moscow while they kept providing Kiev with weapons.

Western and Ukrainian officials have for months said shortages of artillery munitions and missiles are hobbling Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

British defense ministry claimed on Tuesday that “logistics problems remain at the heart of Russia’s struggling campaign in Ukraine.”

“Russia does not have enough munitions to achieve success on the offensive,” it said.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, however, described the West’s latest estimate of Russia’s losses in Ukraine as “spun out of thin air.”

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