Listen to this: I donate plasma for extra money. Im literally selling my blood to eat because I have no choice. Well thats the story of a Colorado woman who works two jobs and is currently trying to find a third job just to cover her rent increase a sad story, isnt it?
But thats just about her. A whopping number of million Americans are currently working two or more jobs in order to make ends meet. And that number, unfortunately, is increasing. When it comes to employment and its data in the United States, all the highlights and headlines are usually about how many jobs have been created. That, the unemployment has decreased, and Americans are working.
Its just that so many Americans are working . Theyre working two jobs, sometimes three jobs merely to get by. Something thats usually left out of the glittery reports of employment. In this episode, we are going to see why an increasing number of Americans are turning to a side hustle and whether there is any light at the end of the tunnel.