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IRGC launches fresh drone, missile attacks on bases of separatist terrorists in northern Iraq: Tasnim

The file photo by Iran's Tasnim news agency shows the firing of a missile by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force.

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has conducted a new round of drone and missile strikes against strongholds of hostile separatist terror groups based in Iraq’s semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan.

Tasnim news agency reported that the IRGC Ground Force fired kamikaze drones and missiles against positions of the so-called Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK) on the outskirts of Iraq’s northern city of Kirkuk.

According to the report, the raids targeted locations deep into the Kurdistan region and destroyed PAK’s bases, dealing a heavy blow to the separatist terrorist group.

The extent of material damage and casualties were not immediately clear.

Mohammad Kazem Alesadeq, the Iranian ambassador to Baghdad, earlier in the day said the Islamic Republic had told Iraq’s central government and the Kurdistan region that it was serious about its national security after a number of sensitive Iranian military centers had been targeted from the Kurdistan soil.

“Some of our vital military centers have been attacked from the Iraqi Kurdistan region’s soil and we have informed the Iraqi side, both the authorities of the Iraqi Kurdistan region and the central government in Iraq, of this issue. We [provided them] with maps and documents, and they understood this reality,” Alesadeq said in an exclusive interview with Iran’s Arabic-language television news network al-Alam TV.

The ambassador dismissed reports about Iran’s land advance into the Iraqi Kurdistan region, saying, “Iran respects Iraq’s sovereignty and has carried out several measures to [improve] stability, unity and prosperity in that country.”

Since September 24, the IRGC has frequently launched air raids against the positions of the terrorists, who are holed up in Iraqi Kurdistan seeking to ignite riots and unrest in Iran’s western border cities.

Iran has, on countless occasions, warned Iraqi Kurdistan’s local authorities that it will not tolerate the presence and activity of terrorist groups along its northwestern borders, saying the country will give a decisive response should those areas become a hub of anti-Islamic Republic terrorists.

Back in May, the IRGC struck and demolished positions of terrorist groups operating near the country’s western borders in Iraq’s northern Kurdish regional capital of Erbil.

Also in September last year, the IRGC launched an attack in northern Iraq, where it destroyed four bases belonging to hostile groups.

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