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US to give Ukraine $675 million in weapons: Austin

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov attend a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at the American military's Ramstein Air Base, near Ramstein-Miesenbach, Germany, September 8, 2022. (Reuters photo)

US President Joe Biden has approved a further $675 million in weapons to Ukraine, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Thursday.

Austin made the announcement from Germany, where allied defense ministers are meeting to discuss how to continue supporting Ukraine in the long-term amid Russia's military operation.

He said the meeting would discuss how countries can cooperate to train Ukrainian forces and improve their own defense industrial bases for the long-haul.

The latest arms deliveries include more rounds for artillery rocket launchers Kiev has employed to target Russian forces, a US official said earlier.

The rounds for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, will be accompanied by vehicles and other equipment for soldiers, added the official, who spoke to The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity.

Since Russia began a military operation in Ukraine in February, the US and other NATO nations have sent Kiev weapons like the HIMARS and other aid.

Also, a senior Pentagon official revealed last month that the US military had quietly been supplying the Ukrainian forces with High-speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM) for some time to target Russian radar systems, Politico reported.

Russia has repeatedly warned that US and NATO shipments of weapons to Ukraine add fuel to the conflict between Moscow and Kiev and could bring unpredictable consequences.

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has called for an "end to the senseless and extremely risky pumping of weapons into the country."

Russian President Valimir Putin has also said that the US was prolonging the war in Ukraine as part of what he called Washington’s efforts to maintain its global hegemony.

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