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Covid-19 pandemic sparks mental health crises in India

Munawar Zaman
Press TV, New Delhi

India is the world’s second most populous nation and the figures of Covid-19 infection cases are rising on a daily basis. The cities are bustling as the country is picking up pace after a period of compulsory shutdowns. But in all this hustle and bustle and race for survival, an important aspect of life is on the stake and that is mental health.

The second wave of Covid-19 has altered the lifestyle of millions across India who now are struggling in silence.

Reports suggest more than 70 percent of those in the age group of 18 to 24 in India are suffering from some form of depression. Now the Covid pandemic has ignited the crises further as many face financial and social hardships.

According to psychological experts, economic and social pressures combined with the lack of appropriate mental health facilities is a major reason behind this new epidemic which has now started exploding due to the coronavirus pandemic. Based on reports, the economic cost of mental illness in India is expected to be more than 1 trillion dollars by 2030.

Health experts say all disorders are linked to a fast-paced lifestyle, stress, complexities of living, breakdown of support systems and challenges of economic instability. They say the Covid pandemic has added fuel to the fire with depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, psychotic disorders and substance abuse being common in most people. Experts say the country is reeling under a mental health crisis and needs utmost attention.

Covid-19 lockdowns impacted people from all walks of life and age groups and now they are finding it hard to deal with the consequences of the pandemic-induced lockdowns. Many turn to drugs and alcohol, while others prefer religious therapies and yoga and others end their lives.

Experts say there is also a stigma attached to mental illness and people tend to avoid available institutional health facilities. They say it is a national emergency that needs urgent attention as the third wave of the Covid will further worsen the situation.

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